Sunday 22 September 2013

Chess Puzzle - 6

Today's puzzle is quite a tricky one, but once you figure it out, I promise you that you will find yourself wonderstruck by the sheer beauty of the solution!

Looking at the position above (white to move), one can see quite clearly that its a won game for white. All white needs to do is to capture the last of black's pawns with Nxh7 and then queen his own pawn with the support of his remaining pieces - quite a straightforward victory!

However, there is a way for white to force a mate in just a few moves without even needing to queen his pawn. The challenge for you is: can you find it?

So friends, put on your thinking caps and put those grey cells to good use!

Oh, and once you've got it sorted out, please do not forget to post your answers (preferably in algebraic notation) in the comments section.


  1. 1.Nh5 h6
    2.Kf5 Kh7
    3.Ne7 Kh8
    4.Kf6 Kh7
    5.Kf7 Kh8
    6.Ng6+ Kh7

    This works but it's not exactly "a few moves", so probably not the solution asked for.

    1. Nice man!! :)

      Though (as you guessed) this is not the solution I was looking for, its still a very nice alternate solution on its own. Good job! :)

      Now, see if you can find a shorter sequence leading to a mate ..

  2. I posted the probable solution earlier today. Did it get deleted for some reason? Posting it again.

    1. Nh5 h6
    2. Ne7 Kh7
    3. Ng6 Kxg6
    4. Bg8 Kxh5
    5. Bf7#
