Saturday 7 September 2013

Chess Puzzle - 3

Here is another chess puzzle for you guys. Looking at the position (black to move) below, can you come up with the next move that black should play so that it becomes impossible for white to avoid being checkmated? [Note: White might be able to prolong the game for a few moves with some spite checks, but it will merely be delaying the inevitable.]

As usual, I will request you to post your answer (preferably in algebraic notation) as a comment. Have fun while solving this!


  1. I initially tried Rxf1, but I ended up with a fork by the white king, which doesn't get me anywhere and white can hold out for a draw.

    The trick is to first move the knight.
    1... Nf3 is a killer. Bxf3 is impossible as Rxf1 mates immediately. I tried out the following line
    2. Rb8+ Kg7 3. Rg8+ Kxg8 (really desperation - anything better?) 4. anything... Rxf1+ 5. Bxf1 Rxh2#

  2. Pritam Da, Please create more puzzles like this.... :)
